Do I Need to Do 75 Hard to Get Fit?

Have you heard of 75 Hard, the fitness and habits challenge that’s all over the internet?

If you have, you might be wondering if the plan is the only way to get fit. 

If you haven’t heard of the plan, I’ll bring you up to speed and let you know if it’s something you need to do.

Here we go!

HEAD: What Is 75 Hard?

75 Hard was created in 2019 by author Andy Frisella, who called it “an Ironman for your brain” and a “transformative mental toughness program” on his website.

Here are the rules of the 75-day challenge:

1. Follow a diet plan—the challenge doesn’t prescribe a specific plan.

2. Do two 45-minute workouts every day.

3. Drink a gallon of water a day.

4. Read 10 pages every day (non-fiction).

5. Take a progress picture every day.

So is this challenge the best way to get fit?

HEAD: Will 75 Hard Work?

Overall, 75 Hard is a way to build healthy habits—but it can be very overwhelming for some people. 

Rest assured: You do not need to work out for 45 minutes twice a day every day to get fitter. 

Let’s dig into each element of the challenge.

Diet—You should eat healthy foods that support your training. But what are those foods? The challenge leaves it all up to you, and that’s fine if you’ve got a great handle on nutrition. But it’s easy to make mistakes here. A qualified coach can help you create healthy habits in the kitchen to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Two 45-Minute Workouts a Day—Some people will benefit from a pair of 45-minute sessions every day. But this is a lot for the general person—especially if you’re just starting to get into fitness. And what should you do in those workouts? 75 Hard doesn’t tell you. The best plan: Talk to a coach who can tell you exactly what to do and how often to do it to accomplish your goals. You can definitely make progress with shorter workouts every other day if that’s all the time you have.

Drink a Gallon of Water—Most people could stand to drink more water, but very general intake recommendations aren’t the best way to ensure you’re optimally hydrated. For example, if you’re sweating very heavily in hot weather, you might need to drink more water. In other scenarios, you might need less. And it’s a mistake to chug water to hit an arbitrary target or to “catch up at the end of the day” just to fulfill a challenge requirement. Again, a qualified coach can give you more insight into hydration.

Read 10 Pages a Day—No problems here. Reading is great—and you’re doing it right now!

Take a Daily Progress Picture—If you have certain goals, progress pics can help you document changes. However, many people won’t notice changes from day to day and can get discouraged by a perceived lack of progress. A good coach will lay out your milestones for success with any program and measure progress toward your goals. You should always have a way to know if you’re “winning.” The plan might involve progress pics, and it might not. 

HEAD: Is 75 Hard Right for You?

As I said earlier, 75 Hard can help some people build new habits and accomplish goals. But it’s not for everyone. 

What if a person is just starting to exercise? Maybe a great habit-forming plan would be to do three 30-minute workouts per week for two months. 

That’s just one example. 

The main takeaways for you:

  • 75 Hard can work for some people, but it is not the only way to get fit.
  • An experienced coach can put together a tailored fitness and nutrition plan that will help you accomplish your exact goals.

If you’re thinking about starting 75 Hard but have reservations, or if you’d like to start a fitness program but feel intimidated by 75 Hard, let’s talk!

We offer free consultations—we’ll sit down, answer all your questions and tell you exactly how to get fitter and healthier.

To book an appointment with our team, click here.